Our Mission
Build healthy communities that support the youth of Hawaii
His mission from the very beginning was to create a free and safe place where kids could remain accountable, belong, and know they are loved.
Aaron Hoff
Founder of the Keala Foundation and Ultimate Hawaiian Trail Run
Aaron Hoff is the founder of the Keala Foundation and cofounder of the Ultimate Hawaiian Trail Run. He grew up on Kaua’i, knowing well the challenges that island life can bring. He began using recreational drugs when he was 10 years old, but soon recreation became an addiction and continued until he was 24. Ten years of his life were claimed by drug and alcohol abuse. Meth, alcohol, prescription drug use, theft, and jail time were a regular part of his adolescent life. Eventually his addiction led to depression and thoughts of suicide.
Today, Aaron has been clean and sober for 25 years and has dedicated his life to providing the youth of Hawaii with opportunities for a healthier lifestyle. For years he fought on the far side of addiction, only able to reach kids after they had walked through the challenges of substance abuse. He was able to introduce people of all ages to sobriety as the man who had “been there, and done that”. After witnessing countless friends struggle and die from the disease of addiction, he began to change his approach from mediation to prevention.
He began a fitness program in 2013 to fight against the disease that is slowly killing communities in Hawaii. This became his opportunity to give back to the youth that saved his life and became his friends during the most lonely times of sobriety. His mission from the very beginning was to create a free and safe community for kids— a place they could remain accountable, belong, and know they are loved.
Our vision
Turning the tides of communities at risk
Every child deserves the opportunity to grow up in a healthy environment. To raise healthy children we need healthy communities.

The problem
Substance abuse is a major problem on the islands, particularly amongst the youth. Hawaii hosts the highest rate of methanphetamine use and one of the highest rates of suicide in the nation, with one of the lowest levels of resources available to communities.
Drug and alcohol addiction is devastating our culture, community, and our youth. We’ve watched it kill people we people and those close to our hearts. The truth is hard and the reality of addiction is devastating. But there is always hope.